Corrientes – means back in Argentina

In Lonely Planet they write, that Corrientes is not a backpackers city because it’s expensive (true) and it’s hard to fall in love with it. I’ve been trying to love it, but it didn’t work out. First I had to walk 3 km to the city on a sidewalk of a huge street, because I did not have coins for a bus (no coins = no ride), then I got such a strong direa that I’ve been running and begging people to let me use their toilet (shit happens). But it’s not all. I went to the park – full of rubbish, then to the seaside – full of rubbish, all the museums were closed (on a week day). The thing is that everything is closed between 12 – 5 pm. I managed to see the city within 2h and decided to eat something. That’s how I got myself out of two places. I ordered the food and wanted to get internet access, but as soon as my plate was empty (still had some coke though) they asked me to order some more or otherwise leave — opus. The same story happened in another place. What can I say – I take showers and wash clothes, so it couldn’t be a bad smell. Plus, I’m a nice country girl so no idea what the problem was..

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